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Trivia Questions and Answers

Looking for Trivia Questions and Answers you have come to the right place. We have 250,000 questions in our trivia database. These questions have been written by our team of expert writers. All content is written for digital trivia products. The question database comes with a category tag and a difficulty rating making the content perfect for an app or website.

What type of Trivia Questions and Answers do we have?

We have several types of questions in our database. The most popular is Multiple Choice. These questions all come with a question and four possible answers. The second is Put Them In Order. These quizzes come with question and four answers to put into the correct order. We also have Question and Answer type questions and true or false.

How do you charge for your questions?

We charge a license fee on a per question basis. The cost varies depending on volume of questions ordered and length of license. We work with most budgets and would be happy to provide a quote. Click here to get a quote for your trivia requirements.

Who uses your questions?

We have been licensing trivia content for over a decade. We typically license over 100,000 questions per month. We work with large digital publishers such as Microsoft and AOL, large trivia companies such as Trivia Crack and also start up companies.

How do you quality check your questions?

We have a team of people that are constantly reviewing and checking our questions. This means you can buy with confidence. The last thing you want is to launch your trivia product and have poor quality trivia content.

What format do your questions come in?

We supply content in the following formats. Excel or CSV, jSON, XML or Word. These are the main formats that all clients ask for. If you have a special requirement then we will do our best to accommodate.

Get in touch today to start your trivia project.